Understanding the Difference Between SCOLV and SCAUTOPICK in SeisComP

SeisComP is a powerful and widely-used software package for seismic data acquisition, processing, and analysis. Within SeisComP, various modules perform specific tasks to ensure accurate and efficient seismic monitoring. Two essential modules in this suite are scolv and scautopick. While both are crucial for seismic event detection and analysis, they serve different purposes. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between these two modules and their unique functionalities.

SCOLV (Seismic Event Locator)


The scolv module is designed for the manual review, analysis, and location of seismic events. It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows seismologists to interactively analyze seismic data, make precise adjustments to event parameters, and manually pick seismic phases.

Key Features

  • Manual Event Review and Editing: Seismologists can manually pick seismic phases (P and S waves), refine event locations, and adjust other event parameters to ensure accuracy.
  • Interactive Visualization: Offers visual tools to display seismic waveforms, travel-time curves, and station maps, making it easier to analyze data.
  • Event Confirmation and Refinement: Used to review and confirm events detected by automatic processing modules like scautopick, allowing for necessary adjustments.
  • Detailed Analysis: Provides tools for in-depth seismic analysis, including magnitude calculation and error estimation.

Usage Scenario

Scolv is typically used when a seismologist needs to manually verify and refine the details of a detected seismic event. It is essential for quality control and ensuring the accuracy of the seismic event catalog.

SCAUTOPICK (Automatic Phase Picker)


The scautopick module is an automatic phase picker that processes continuous seismic data streams to detect and pick seismic phases. It is designed to operate without manual intervention, providing real-time phase picks for event detection and location.

Key Features

  • Automatic Phase Picking: Automatically identifies and picks P and S wave arrivals from continuous seismic data, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Real-Time Processing: Capable of processing data in real-time, making it suitable for early warning systems and rapid event detection.
  • Integration with Other Modules: Works seamlessly with other SeisComP modules (like scanloc for automatic event location) to provide a comprehensive automated seismic monitoring solution.
  • Configurable Algorithms: Allows customization of picking algorithms and parameters to suit different seismic networks and conditions.

Usage Scenario

Scautopick is typically used in an automated seismic monitoring setup where continuous real-time data needs to be processed to detect and locate seismic events quickly. It significantly speeds up the detection process by minimizing the need for manual picks.

Summary of Differences

  • Functionality:
  • Scolv: A GUI tool for manual review, analysis, and event location.
  • Scautopick: An automated tool for real-time phase picking from continuous data streams.
  • User Interaction:
  • Scolv: Requires manual interaction and is used for detailed event analysis and quality control.
  • Scautopick: Operates automatically with minimal human intervention.
  • Use Case:
  • Scolv: Used for refining and confirming events, providing detailed analysis tools for seismologists.
  • Scautopick: Used for real-time automatic detection of seismic phases, facilitating rapid event detection and processing.
  • Output:
  • Scolv: Produces refined and verified seismic event parameters and locations.
  • Scautopick: Generates automatic phase picks used by other modules for event detection and location.

Practical Workflow

In a typical SeisComP workflow, scautopick might first detect and pick phases from incoming seismic data. These automatic picks can then be reviewed and refined using scolv, ensuring the final event catalog is accurate and reliable.

We hope you found this guide helpful. For more tips and guides on using SeisComP and other seismological tools, stay tuned to our blog. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy seismographing!

About QuakeLogic

QuakeLogic is a leading provider of advanced seismic monitoring solutions, offering a range of products and services designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of seismic data acquisition and analysis. Our innovative technologies and expert support help organizations worldwide to better understand and mitigate the impacts of seismic events.

Contact Information

  • Email: sales@quakelogic.net
  • Phone: +1-916-899-0391
  • WhatsApp: +1-650-353-8627
  • Website: www.quakelogic.net

For more information about our products and services, please visit our website or contact our sales team. We are here to help you with all your seismic monitoring needs.

Thank you for choosing QuakeLogic. We look forward to assisting you with your seismic monitoring projects.

Introducing the SIS-1 Infrasound Sensor: Precision in Low-Frequency Detection

Infrasound sensors are crucial tools in the field of sound detection, enabling researchers and professionals to measure low-frequency sound waves that are often undetectable by the human ear. These sensors play a vital role in various applications across seismic research, environmental monitoring, defense, nuclear proliferation detection, avalanche and landslide monitoring, and more. Understanding the importance of measuring low frequencies can significantly enhance our ability to predict and respond to natural and man-made events.

Why Measure Low Frequencies?

  1. Seismic Research: Infrasound sensors can detect low-frequency waves generated by earthquakes, providing early warning systems that can save lives and minimize property damage.
  2. Environmental Monitoring: From thunderstorms to volcanic eruptions, infrasound sensors help track and analyze natural events, contributing to our understanding of Earth’s processes.
  3. Defense and Security: Infrasound detection is instrumental in identifying security threats such as gunshots, explosions, and other unusual activities, enhancing surveillance and defense capabilities.
  4. Nuclear Proliferation Detection: Infrasound sensors can detect nuclear tests from great distances, supporting global efforts to monitor and prevent unauthorized nuclear activities.
  5. Avalanche and Landslide Monitoring: Early detection of low-frequency sounds from avalanches and landslides can provide critical information for disaster preparedness and response.
  6. Industrial Monitoring: Monitoring machinery and equipment using infrasound sensors can help detect early signs of wear and tear, preventing costly downtime and ensuring operational efficiency.

Introducing the SIS-1 Infrasound Sensor by QuakeLogic

If you’re seeking a blend of precision, speed, and reliability in sound detection, the SIS-1 infrasound sensor is tailored for you. The SIS-1 stands as an advanced infrasound sensor, designed to accurately detect sound signals in various applications. It exemplifies state-of-the-art technology in the field of sound detection.

Benefits of the SIS-1 Infrasound Sensor

  1. Environmental Monitoring: Utilize the SIS-1 to pick up low-frequency sound waves generated by natural events like earthquakes, thunderstorms, or volcanic activities. This sensor enhances our ability to understand and respond to environmental phenomena.
  2. Security and Surveillance: Deploy the SIS-1 to identify and interpret infrasound signals from potential security threats, such as gunshots, explosions, or other unusual noises. It provides an added layer of security, ensuring prompt responses to threats.
  3. Industrial Monitoring: Make use of the SIS-1 to monitor your machinery and equipment, detecting vibrations and noises that could indicate the need for maintenance. This proactive approach helps avoid costly downtime and maintains operational efficiency.

Additional Offerings

At QuakeLogic, we go beyond providing just the SIS-1 infrasound sensor. We also offer:

  • Analog Dataloggers: For accurate and reliable data collection from infrasound sensors.
  • Real-Time Monitoring Software – PulsePro: To enable continuous monitoring and immediate analysis of infrasound data, ensuring quick responses to any detected anomalies.

Special Introductory Offer

We are offering the SIS-1 at a special introductory price, exclusively for our valued customers. We firmly believe that the SIS-1 is poised to meet and surpass your sound detection needs. Take advantage of this limited-time offer and secure your Infrasound Sensor SIS-1 today. Click HERE for the product page.

About QuakeLogic

QuakeLogic is a leading provider of advanced seismic monitoring solutions, offering a range of products and services designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of seismic data acquisition and analysis. Our innovative technologies and expert support help organizations worldwide to better understand and mitigate the impacts of seismic events.

Contact Information

Email: sales@quakelogic.net
Phone: +1-916-899-0391
WhatsApp: +1-650-353-8627
Website: www.quakelogic.net

For more information about our products and services, please visit our website at https://quakelogic.net or contact our sales team. We are here to help you with all your seismic monitoring needs.

Thank you for considering our latest product. The SIS-1 infrasound sensor, along with our comprehensive range of analog dataloggers and real-time monitoring software, is designed to provide you with the precision, speed, and reliability required for advanced sound detection. We stand ready to answer any queries or assist you in any way we can.

How to Start MQTT on Ubuntu: A Step-by-Step Guide by QuakeLogic

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol designed for constrained devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency, or unreliable networks. It is widely used in IoT (Internet of Things) applications to facilitate communication between devices. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to install and start an MQTT broker on Ubuntu using Mosquitto, a popular MQTT broker.

Step 1: Update Your System

Before installing any new software, it’s always a good idea to update your package list to ensure you have the latest version of all your installed packages.

sudo apt update

Step 2: Install Mosquitto and Mosquitto Clients

Mosquitto is a lightweight MQTT broker that is easy to install and configure. The Mosquitto clients package includes command-line tools to test your setup.

sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients

Step 3: Enable and Start the Mosquitto Service

Once installed, you need to enable the Mosquitto service to start on boot and then start the service.

  1. Enable the Mosquitto service: sudo systemctl enable mosquitto
  2. Start the Mosquitto service: sudo systemctl start mosquitto
  3. Check the status of the Mosquitto service: sudo systemctl status mosquitto You should see an output indicating that Mosquitto is active and running.

Step 4: Configure Mosquitto (Optional)

By default, Mosquitto is configured to allow anonymous connections on port 1883. For more advanced configurations, you can edit the Mosquitto configuration file located at /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.

  1. Open the configuration file: sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
  2. Example configuration for allowing remote connections: listener 1883 allow_anonymous true
  3. Save and exit the file, then restart Mosquitto to apply changes: sudo systemctl restart mosquitto

Step 5: Test Mosquitto

To ensure Mosquitto is working correctly, you can use the Mosquitto clients to publish and subscribe to messages.

  1. Open two terminal windows.
  2. In the first terminal window, subscribe to a topic: mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t test/topic
  3. In the second terminal window, publish a message to the topic: mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t test/topic -m "Hello MQTT"

You should see the message “Hello MQTT” appear in the first terminal window.

Step 6: Secure Mosquitto (Optional)

For production environments, it is important to secure your MQTT broker. You can enable password protection and TLS/SSL encryption.

  1. Create a password file: sudo mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/passwd username
  2. Edit the Mosquitto configuration to use the password file: allow_anonymous false password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd
  3. Restart Mosquitto: sudo systemctl restart mosquitto

For TLS/SSL encryption, you need to generate certificates and configure Mosquitto to use them. Detailed instructions can be found in the Mosquitto documentation.


By following these steps, you can easily set up an MQTT broker on your Ubuntu system using Mosquitto. This setup will allow you to facilitate communication between IoT devices efficiently. For more advanced configurations and security setups, refer to the Mosquitto documentation or reach out to the community for support.

About QuakeLogic

QuakeLogic is a leading provider of advanced seismic monitoring solutions, offering a range of products and services designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of seismic data acquisition and analysis. Our innovative technologies and expert support help organizations worldwide to better understand and mitigate the impacts of seismic events.

Contact Information

For more information about our products and services, please visit our website or contact our sales team. We are here to help you with all your seismic monitoring needs.

Thank you for choosing QuakeLogic. We look forward to assisting you with your seismic monitoring projects. Stay tuned to our blog for more tips and guides on using seismic monitoring tools and other technological solutions!