


undersea seismic instruments
GEO-OBS60/120HU-C: submarine seismic and hydroacoustic observation

The cable-type wide-band seafloor seismic and hydroacoustic observation unit is a multi-component real-time three-dimensional seafloor observation system integrating acoustic and vibration detection.

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undersea seismic instruments
GEO-OBS60/120F: Floating and sinking broadband seabed seismometer

The sinking and floating broadband seabed seismometer is one of the key equipment for seabed earthquake observation. The international community began to develop seismographs placed on the seabed in the 1980s.

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undersea seismic instruments
GEO-OBS60-B: Buried broadband seabed seismometer

The buried wide-band seabed seismometer is a three-dimensional seismometer that integrates a seismometer and a digital acquisition system. This type of seismometer is mainly used for seabed seismic observations in my country's continental shelf areas.

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