

Aşağıda hakemli bilimsel dergi makaleleri, raporları, bilgi formları ve konferans bildirilerinin kronolojik bir listesi bulunmaktadır. İndirmek için PDF logosuna tıklayın.


Kalkan, E., Wen, W. And Heo, Y.

"Site Properties of Delaney Park Downhole Array — Estimated from 2018 M7.1 Anchorage, Alaska Earthquake Sequence," (in-review).

Kalkan, E. and Graizer, V.

"Ground-Motion Predictions for California: Comparisons of Three GMPEs,” (in-review).

Reyes, J.C., Avilla, W.A., Kalkan, E. and Sierra, A.

"Reducing Computational Time of Nonlinear Analysis of Buildings", Journal of Structural Engineering (in-review).

Aval, S.B., Hussaini, S.A., and Kalkan, E.

"Use of Perforated Steel Beams In Lieu of Concrete Coupling-Beams in Tunnel-Form Buildings,” The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings (in-review).

Kalkan, E. and Graizer, V.

"Comparison of the Graizer-Kalkan (GK15) GMPE with Two NGA-West2 GMPEs for California, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report (in-press).

Falkensammer, L., Sherman, R.J., Park, J., Kalkan, E. And Martin, T.L.

"Galena Creek Bridge: Structural-health Monitoring, Instrumentation and Finite-element Modeling,” Proc. of the IRF Global R2T Conference, Las Vegas, NV.


Reyes, J.C., Gonzalez, C. and Kalkan, E.

"Improved ASCE/SEI 7-10 Ground-motion Scaling Procedure for Nonlinear Analysis of Buildings", Journal of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2018.1526140

Jones, J., Kalkan, E., Stephens, C. and Ng, P.

"PRISM: Processing and Review Interface for Strong-Motion Data Software, Proc. of the 11th National Earthquake Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA.


Jones, J., Kalkan, E., Stephens, C. and Ng, P.
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PRISM Software: Processing and Review Interface for Strong-Motion Data, U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 12, chap. A2, 4 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/tm12A2.

Jones, J., Kalkan, E., Stephens, C. and Ng, P.
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PRISM Software: Processing and Review Interface for Strong-Motion Data, Seismological Research Letters, DOI: 10.1785/0220160200.

Wen, W. and Kalkan, E.

"System Identification Based on Deconvolution and Cross-Correlation—An Application To A Twenty-Story Instrumented Building In Anchorage, Alaska", Bulletin of Seismological Society of America. ol. 107(2), DOI: 10.1785/0120160069.

Kalkan, E. and Wen, W.

"Dynamic Characteristics of a Twenty-Story Instrumented Building in Anchorage, Alaska Identified by Seismic Interferometry", Proc. of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, Jan. 9-13, 2017, Paper No. 453.

Reyes, J.C., Kalkan, E. and Sierra, A.

"Fast Nonlinear Response History Analysis", Proc. of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, Jan. 9-13, 2017, Paper No. 1673.

Kalkan, E. and Stephens, C.
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Systematic Comparisons between PRISM, BAP and CSMIP Ground-Motion Processing: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 2017–1020, 108 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20171020.

Jones, J., Kalkan, E. and Stephens, C.
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Processing and Review Interface for Strong Motion Data (PRISM)—Methodology and Automated Processing, Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 2017–1008, 81 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20171008.


O’Donnell, A.P. Kurama, Y.C., Kalkan, E. and Taflanidis, A.A.

“Experimental Evaluation of Four Ground-motion Scaling Methods for Dynamic Response of Nonlinear Structures”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s10518-016-0052-z.

Kalkan, E., Fletcher, J.P., Friberg, P. and Baker, L.M.

A Web-enabled Structural Health Monitoring Data Management System for Seismic Instrumentation of Veterans Affairs Hospital Buildings. U.S. Geological Survey, Administrative Report, 60 p. (not available to public)

"Summary of GK15 Ground-Motion Prediction Equation for Predicting PGA and 5%-Damped SA from Shallow Crustal Continental Earthquakes", Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 106(2): 687-707, DOI: 10.1785/0120150194

“An Automatic P-phase Arrival Time Picker“, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America,106(3): 971-986, DOI: 10.1785/0120150111


O’Donnell, A.P., Kurama, Y.C., Taflanidis, A.A. and Kalkan, E.

A nonlinear frame test structure with repeatable behavior for experimental dynamic response history investigation”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2015.1046571

Reyes, J.C, Riaño, A.C., Kalkan, E. and Arango, C.M.

“Extending Modal Pushover-Based Scaling (MPS) Procedure for Nonlinear Response History Analysis of Multi-Story Unsymmetric-Plan Buildings”, Engineering Structures, 88: 125-137.

Kalkan, E.

“Preface to the Focused Issue on the 24 August 2014 Magnitude 6.0 South Napa Earthquake”, Seismological Research Letters, March/April.

Kalkan, E. and Reyes, J.C.

“Significance of Rotating Ground Motions on Behavior of Symmetric- and Asymmetric-plan Structures: Part 2. Case Studies”, Earthquake Spectra, 31(3): 1613-1628.

Reyes, J.C. and Kalkan, E.

“Significance of Rotating Ground Motions on Behavior of Symmetric- and Asymmetric-plan Structures: Part 1. Parametric Study”, Earthquake Spectra, 31(3): 1591-1612.

Update of the Graizer-Kalkan Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for Shallow Crustal Continental Earthquakes: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1009, p. 79


Reyes, J.C., Riaño, A.C., Arango, C.M. and Kalkan, E.

Modal Pushover-based Scaling of Earthquake Records for Nonlinear RHA of Multi-story Unsymmetric-plan Buildings”, Proc. of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage.

Reyes, J.C.,Kalkan, E., Riaño, A.C., and Arango, C.M.

A General Procedure for Selecting and Scaling Ground Motion Records for Nonlinear Analysis of Asymmetric- Plan Buildings”, Proc. of the 7th European Workshop on the Seismic Behavior of Irregular and Complex Structures, Opole, Poland.

Reyes, J.C., Riaño, A.C., Kalkan, E., Quintero, O.A., and Arango, C.M.

“Is Time-Domain Spectrum Matching Procedure Accurate and Efficient for Response History Analysis of Buildings?”, Proc. of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey.

Reyes, J.C., Riaño, A.C., Arango, C.M. and Kalkan, E.

“Extending modal pushover-based ground motion scaling procedure to unsymmetric-plan multi-story buildings”, Proc. of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage.

Reyes, J.C., Riaño, A.C., Kalkan, E., Quintero, O.A. and Arango, C.M.

“Assessment of Spectrum Matching Procedure for Nonlinear Analysis of Symmetric- and Asymmetric-plan Buildings”, Engineering Structures, 72: 171-181.

Kalkan, E. and Gulkan, P.

“Determination of Regional Seismic Design Parameters following the 2011 M7.2 Van Earthquake”, Proc. of the 2nd Turkish Earthquake Engineering and Seismology Conference, Antakya, Turkey.

Baker, L.M., Kalkan, E. and Fletcher, J.B.,

A real-time seismic data acquisition system for a 62‑story residential building; Prepared for the National Strong-Motion Project, Advanced National Seismic Systems, United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program, California Geological Survey (CGS), U.S. Geological Survey, Administrative Report, 286 p. (not available to public)

Scott, M. and Kalkan, E.

“Guest Editor’s Introduction: Computational Simulation in Structural Engineering”, Journal of Structural Engineering, June.

Kalkan, E. and Kwong, N.

“Pros and Cons of Rotating Ground Motion Records to Fault- Normal/Parallel Directions for Response History Analysis of Buildings”, J. Struct. Eng., DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000845, 04013062.


O’Donnell, A.P., Kurama, Y.C., Kalkan, E. and Taflanidis, A.A. and Beltsar, O.A.

"Ground motion scaling methods for linear-elastic structures: an integrated experimental and analytical investigation”, Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 42(9): 1281–1300, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2272.

O’Donnell, A.P., Kurama, Y.C., Kalkan, E. and Taflanidis, A.A.

“ Experimental evaluation of ground motion scaling methods for nonlinear analysis of structural systems”, Proc. of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Structures Congress: Pittsburg, PA, May 2-4.

Ulusoy, H.S., Kalkan, E. and Banga, K.

“Real-time Seismic Monitoring of Veterans Affairs Hospital Buildings”, Proc. of the SPIE Smart Structures Conference, San Diego, CA, March 11-13.

Kalkan, E., Savage, W., Reza, S., Knight, E. and Tian Y.

UNLV’s Environmentally Friendly Science and Engineering Building is Monitored for Earthquake Shaking, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2013, 4 p.

Graizer, V., Kalkan, E. and Lin, K.

“Global Ground Motion Prediction Model for Shallow Crustal Regions”, Earthquake Spectra, 29(3): 777-791.


Kalkan, E., Banga, K., Ulusoy, H.S., Fletcher, J.P.B, Leith, W.S., Reza, S., and Cheng, T.

Advanced earthquake monitoring system for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs medical buildings--instrumentation: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1241, 143 p.

Reyes, J.C., Kalkan, E.

Should Ground-motion Records be Rotated to Fault-Normal/Parallel or Maximum Direction for Response History Analysis of Buildings?: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1261, 89 p.

Kalkan, E., Krishna, B., Ulusoy, H.S., Fletcher, J.P.B., Leith, W.S., Blair, J.L.

“Helping Safeguard Veterans Affairs’ Hospital Buildings by Advanced Earthquake Monitoring”, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012-3094, 2 p.

Reyes, J.C., Kalkan, E.

“Relevance of Normal-Fault and Maximum Components of Ground-Motions on Nonlinear Behavior of Symmetric and Asymmetric Buildings in Near Fault Sites”, Proc. of the 15th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.

Hatayama, K., Kalkan, E.

“Spatial Amplification of Long-Period (3 to 16 s) Ground Motions in and around the Los Angeles Basin during the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake”, Proc. of the 15th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.

Ulusoy, H., Kalkan E., Fletcher, J.P.B., Friberg, P., Leith, W.K., Banga, K.

“Design and Implementation of A Structural Health Monitoring and Alerting System for Hospital Buildings in the United States”, Proc. of the 15th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 4474, Lisbon, Portugal.

Kalkan, E., Chopra, A.K.

“Evaluation of Modal Pushover-based Scaling of one Component of Ground Motion: Tall Buildings”, Earthquake Spectra: 28(4): 1469-1493.

Reyes, J.C. and Kalkan, E.

“How Many Records Should be Used in an ASCE/SEI-7 Ground Motion Scaling Procedure?", Earthquake Spectra: 28(3): 1205-1222.

Reyes, J.C. and Kalkan, E.

“Significance of Rotating Ground Motions on Nonlinear Behavior of Symmetric and Asymmetric Buildings in Near Fault Sites”, Proc. of the 9th International Conf. on Urban Earthquake Engineering / 4th Asia Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, March 6-8, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

Kalkan, E., Fletcher, J.P.B., Leith, W.S., McCarthy, J, and Krishna, B.

Real-time seismic monitoring of instrumented hospital buildings: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3028, 2 p.

Kalkan, E., Kwong, N.S.

Evaluation of Fault-normal/Fault-parallel Directions Rotated Ground Motions for Response History Analysis of An Instrumented Six-story Building: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1058, 30 p.

Kalkan, E., Kwong, N.S.

“Assessment of Modal Pushover-based Scaling Procedure for Nonlinear Response History Analysis of “Ordinary Standard” Bridges”, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering: 17(2): 272-288.

O’Donnell, A.P. Kurama, Y.C., Kalkan, E., Taflanidis, A.A.
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”Calibration of a Reusable Nonlinear Beam-Column Connection for Use in an Experimental Ground Motion Scaling Study”, Proc. of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Structures Congress: Chicago, IL, March 29-31.

Kalkan, E.

“New Zealand’s Deadliest Quake Sounds Alarm for Cities on Fault Lines”, Natural Hazards Observer, 36(3).


Kalkan, E.

“Preface to the Focused Issue on the 22 February 2011 Magnitude 6.2 Christchurch Earthquake”,Seismological Research Letters, Nov/Dec.

Kalkan, E., Luco, N.

“Guest Editors’ Introduction: Special Issue on Earthquake Ground-Motion Selection and Modification for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Structures”, American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Structural Engineering, 277-278, March.

Segou, M., Kalkan, E.

“Ground Motion Attenuation during M7.1 Darfield and M6.3 Christchurch (New Zealand) Earthquakes and Performance of Global Predictive Models", Seismological Research Letters: 82(6): 866-874.

Hatayama, K., Kalkan, E.

“Long-Period (3 to 10 s) Ground Motions in and around the Los Angeles Basin during the Mw7.2 El-Mayor Cucapah Earthquake of April 4, 2010”, Proc. of the 4th IASPEI / IAEE International Symposium, August 23–26, University of California, Santa Barbara.

O’Donnell, A.P. Beltsar, O.A., Kurama, Y.C., Kalkan, E., Taflanidis, A.A.,

Evaluation of Ground Motion Scaling Methods for Analysis of Structural Systems”, Proc. of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Structures Congress: Las Vegas, NV, April 13-16.

Reyes, J.C., Kalkan, E.,

Required Number of Ground Motion Records for ASCE/SEI 7 Ground Motion Scaling Procedure: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No: 2011-1083, 34 p.

Kalkan, E., Chopra, A.K.,

“Modal-Pushover-based Ground Motion Scaling Procedure”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 138(3): 289-310. (Third most downloaded article of the Journal of Structural Engineering in 2011)

Akkar, S., Aldemir, A., Askan, A., Bakır, S., Canbay, E., Demirel, O., Erberik, A., Gülerce, Z., Gülkan, P.,
Kalkan, E., Prakash, S., Sandıkkaya, A., Sevilgen, V., Ugurhan, B., Yenier, E.

“8 March 2010 Elazıg-Kovancılar (Turkey) Earthquake: Observations on Ground Motions and Building Damage”, Seismological Research Letters, 82(1): 42-58.

Graizer, V., Kalkan, E.

“Modular Filter-Based Approach to Ground Motion Attenuation Modeling", Seismological Research Letters, 82(1): 21-31, Jan-Feb.


Kalkan, E. and Kwong, N.S.,

Documentation for Assessment of Modal Pushover-based Scaling Procedure for Nonlinear Response History Analysis of “Ordinary Standard” Bridges, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No: 2010-1328, p. 56.

Kalkan, E. and Chopra, A.K.

“Practical Guidelines to Select and Scale Earthquake Records for Nonlinear Response History Analysis of Structures, USGS Open-File Report No: 2010-1068, 126 p.

Kalkan, E., Wills, C.J., and Branum, D.M.

“Seismic Hazard Mapping of California Considering Site Effects”, Earthquake Spectra, 26(3): 1039-1055.

Çelebi, M. P., Bazzurro, L., Chiaraluce, P., Clemente, L., Decanini, A., DeSortis, W., Ellsworth, A., Gorini,
Kalkan, E., Marcucci, G., Milana, F., Mollaioli, M., Olivieri, D., Rinaldis, A., Rovelli, F., Sabetta, and C. Stephens.

”Recorded Motions of the Mw6.3 April 6, 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) Earthquake and Implications for Building Structural Damage”, Earthquake Spectra: 26(3): 651-684.

Kalkan, E. and Gulkan, P.

“Earthquake Hazard in Istanbul and Its Surroundings”, Science and Technics, 513, Aug. 2010. (in-Turkish)

Graizer, V., Kalkan, E., Lin, K.W.

“Extending and Testing Graizer-Kalkan Ground Motion Attenuation Model based on Atlas Database of Shallow Crustal Events”, Proc. of the 9th National Earthquake Engineering Conference: Toronto, Canada, July.


Kalkan, E. and Chopra, A.K.

“Modal Pushover-based Ground Motion Scaling Procedure for Nonlinear Response History Analysis of Structures”, Proc. of the Structural Engineering Association of California, Annual Convention: San Diego.

Kalkan, E. and Celebi, M.

“Assessment of ASCE 7-05 Ground Motion Scaling Method Using Computer Model of Instrumented High-Rise Building”, Proc. of the ATC/SEI Conference: San Francisco.

Kalkan E., Gulkan, P., Yilmaz, N. and Celebi, M.

“Re-Examination of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard in the Marmara Sea Region”, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 99(4): 2127–2146.

Haselton, C., Baker, J.W., Bozorgnia, Y., Goulet, C.A., Kalkan E., E. Luco, N. Shantz, T., Shome, N.,
Stewart, J.P., Tothong, P., Watson-Lamprey, J., Zareian, F.

“Evaluation of Ground Motion Selection and Modification Methods: Predicting Median Interstory Drift Response of Buildings”, PEER Report No: 2009/01, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center College of Engineering University of California, Berkeley, p. 219, June.

Graizer, V. and Kalkan, E.

“Prediction of Response Spectral Acceleration Ordinates based on PGA Attenuation”, Earthquake Spectra, 25(1): 36–69.


Laefer, D. and Kalkan, E.

“Editorial to seismic protection special issue”, Engineering Structures, 30(8): 2095.

Kalkan, E., Wills, C.J., and Branum, D.M.

“Seismic Hazard Mapping of California Incorporating Spatial Variability of Site Conditions”, Proc. of the East Bay Conference.

Celebi, M. and Kalkan, E.

“Status and needs for seismic instrumentation of structures along the Hayward fault”, Proc. of the East Bay Conference.

Graizer, V. and Kalkan, E.
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“Graizer-Kalkan Ground Motion Prediction Model for PGV”, Proc. of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.

Graizer, V. and Kalkan, E.

“Response of Pendulums to Complex Input Ground Motion”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28(8): 621–631.

Goulet, C.A., Watson-Lamprey, J., Baker, J., Haselton, C.B., Stewart, J.P., Abrahamson, N., Bozorgnia, Y.,
Cornell A., Kalkan, E., Luco, N., Shome, N., Shantz, T., Tothong, P., Yang, T. and Zareian, F.

“Assessment of Ground Motion Selection and Modification methods for Non-linear Structural Analyses of Building Structures”, Proc. of the ASCE Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering & Soil Dynamics Conference (GEESD IV): Sacramento, May.

Yuksel, S.B. and Kalkan, E.

“Failure Mechanism of Shear-Wall Dominant Multi-Story Buildings: Experimental and Analytical Study”, Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on High Performance Structures and Materials: Algarve, Portugal, 13-15 May.

Kalkan, E. and Kunnath, S.K.

“Relevance of Absolute and Relative Energy Content in Seismic Evaluation of Structures”, Advances in Structural Engineering, 11(1): 17-34.

Kalkan, E., Gulkan, P., Ozturk, N.Y., and Celebi, M.

“Seismic Hazard in the Istanbul Metropolitan Area: A Preliminary Re-examination”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 12(S2): 151-164, Jan.

Kalkan, E. and Yuksel, B.

“Pros and Cons of RC Tunnel Form (Box-type) Buildings”, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 17(3): 601-617, DOI: 10.1002/tal.368


Yuksel, B. and Kalkan, E.

“Behavior of Tunnel Form Buildings under Quasi-Static Cyclic Lateral Loading", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 27(1).

Kalkan, E. and Kunnath, S.K.

“Assessment of Current Nonlinear Static Procedures for Seismic Evaluation of Buildings”, Engineering Structures, 29: 305-316.

Kalkan, E. and Kunnath S.K.

“Effective Cyclic Energy as a Measure of Seismic Demand”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 11(5): 725-751.

Kalkan, E. and Graizer V.

“Multi-Component Ground Motion Response Spectra for Coupled Horizontal, Vertical, Angular Accelerations and Tilt”, ISET, Journal of Earthquake Technology (invited paper for the special issue on “Response Spectra”; Guest editor: M. Trifunac): March.

Kalkan, E. and Graizer V.

“Coupled Tilt and Translational Ground Motion Response Spectra”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 133(5): 609-619, 2007.

Celebi, M. Kalkan, E. and Pezeshk, S.

“Rotational Measurements in Structures – Why and How? - Engineers’ Perspective and Experience”, First International Workshop on Rotational Seismology and Applications, USGS Open-File Report No: 2007-1144

Graizer, V. and Kalkan E.

“Ground Motion Attenuation Model for Peak Horizontal Acceleration from Shallow Crustal Earthquakes”, Earthquake Spectra, 23(3): 585-613.


Balkaya, C., Kalkan, E., Yuksel, B.

“FE Analysis and Practical Modeling of RC Multi-bin Circular Silos”, ACI Structural Journal, 103(3): 365-371.

Kalkan, E. and Kunnath, S.K.
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Effects of Fling-Step and Forward Directivity on the Seismic Response of Buildings”, Earthquake Spectra, 22(2): 367-390.

Laefer, D.F. Carr, H. Moorish, S., Kalkan, E.

“Opportunities and Impediments to the Use of Three-dimensional Laser Scanning for Integrated Monitoring of Adjacent Excavations”, Proc. of the ASCE/GEO 2006 Congress, Atlanta, Georgia, Feb. 26-March 1.

Kalkan, E. and Kunnath, S.K.

“Adaptive Modal Combination Procedure for Nonlinear Static Analysis of Building Structures”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 132(11): 1721-1732.

Kalkan, E. and Kunnath, S.K.

“Adaptive Modal Combination Procedure for Predicting Seismic Response of Vertically Irregular Structural Systems”, Proc. of the Eight National Earthquake Engineering Conference: Paper No. 700, San Francisco, April 18 - 22.

Kalkan, E.

Predicting Seismic Demands of Building Structures, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis.


Gülkan, P. and Kalkan, E.

“Discussion of the paper ‘An empirical attenuation relationship for Northwestern Turkey ground motion using a random effects approach’ by Ozbey et al.”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 25(11): 889-891.

Pamuk, A., Kalkan, E. and Ling, H.L.

“Structural and Geotechnical Impacts of Surface Rupture on Highway Structures”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 25(7-10): 581-589.

Kalkan, E. and Gülkan, P.

“Discussion of the paper ‘An attenuation relationship based on Turkish strong motion data and iso-acceleration map of Turkey’ by Ulusay et al.” Engineering Geology 79(3-4): 288-290.

Kunnath, S.K. and Kalkan, E.

“IDA Capacity Curves: The Need for Alternative Intensity Factors”, Proc. of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Structures Congress: New York, NY, April 20-24.


Gülkan, P. and Kalkan, E.

“Attenuation Characteristics of Turkey Based on Recent Strong Ground Data”, Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University: 54(2).

Kunnath, S.K. and Kalkan, E.

“Evaluation of Seismic Deformation Demands Using Nonlinear Procedures in Multistory Steel and Concrete Moment Frames”, ISET, Journal of Earthquake Technology (Invited paper for the special issue on Performance Based Design; Guest editor: N.J. Priestley): 41(1): 159-181.

Kunnath, S.K. and Kalkan, E.

“Evaluation of Nonlinear Static Procedures for Different Seismic Source Characteristics”, Proc. of the Earthquake Engineering in the Past and Future Fifty Years, Harbin, China, Aug. 19-21.

Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“Seismic Vulnerability, Behavior and Design of Tunnel Form Buildings”, Engineering Structures: 26(14): 2081-2099.

Kalkan, E. and Laefer, D.F.

“Seismic Based Strengthening of Steel and RC Telecommunication Poles based on FEM analysis”, Engineering Structures: 26(14): 2101-2111.

Kalkan, E. and Gülkan, P.
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“Site-Dependent Spectra Derived from Ground Motion Records in Turkey”, Earthquake Spectra, 20(4): 1111-1138

Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“Three-Dimensional Effects on Openings of Laterally Loaded Pierced Shear Walls”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 130(10): 1506-1514.

Kalkan, E. and Gülkan, P.

“Empirical Attenuation Equations for Vertical Ground Motion in Turkey”, Earthquake Spectra, 20(3): 853-882.

Pamuk, A., Kalkan, E. and Ling, H.I.

“Structural and Geotechnical Impacts of Surface Rupture on Highway Structures”, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering: University of California, Berkeley, CA, Jan. 7-9.

Kalkan, E., Adalier, K. and Pamuk, A.

“Near Field Effects and Engineering Implications of Recent Earthquakes in Turkey”, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Case histories in Geotechnical Engineering: New York, NY, April 13-17.

Pamuk, A., Ling, H.I., Leshchinsky, D., Kalkan, E. and Adalier, K.

“Behavior of Reinforced Wall System during the 1999 Kocaeli (Izmit), Turkey Earthquake”, Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering: New York, NY, April 13-17.

Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“Effects of Coupled Shear Walls Openings on the Nonlinear Behavior of RC Building Structures”, Proc. of the International Conference on Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Cape Town, South Africa.

Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“A Simple Formula to Predict Fundamental Period of Tunnel Form Buildings”, Proc. of the 6th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering: Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 25-27.

Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“Relevance of R-factor and Fundamental Period for Seismic Design of Tunnel Form Building Structures”, Proc. of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug.1-6.

Kalkan, E. and Kunnath, S.K.

“Method of Modal Combinations for Pushover Analysis of Buildings”, Proc. of the 13th WorldConference on Earthquake Engineering: Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug.1-6.

Kalkan, E. and Kunnath, S.K.

“Lateral Load Distribution in Nonlinear Static Procedures for Seismic Design”, Proc. of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Structures Congress: Nashville, TN, May 22-26.


Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“Performance Based Seismic Evaluation of Shear-wall Dominant Building Structures“, Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University, 53(2): 65-72, Sept.

Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“Estimation of Fundamental Periods of Shear-Wall Dominant Building Structures“, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 32(7): 985-998, June.

Gülkan, P. and Kalkan, E.

“Site-Dependent Spectra Derived from Ground Motion Records in Turkey”, Proc. of the Fib Symposium: Concrete Structures in Seismic Regions: Athens, Greece, May 6-9.

Gülkan, P. and Kalkan, E.

“Parametric Estimation of Ground Motion Attenuation of Turkish Earthquakes”, Proc. of the International Conference on Advances and New Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research (ICANCEER): August 15-20, 2002, Harbin and Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong Volume, Organizing Committee of the International Conference at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, pp. 33-49.

Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“Seismic Design Parameters of Shear-wall Dominant Building Structures”, Proc. of the 14th Mexican National Conference on Earthquake Engineering.

Kalkan, E.

“Computer-Aided Strengthening of Steel and Reinforced Concrete Telecommunication Poles”, Proc. of the Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Christchurch, New Zealand, Feb. 13-15.

Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“Nonlinear Seismic Response Evaluation of Tunnel Form Building Structures“, Computers & Structures, 81:153-165.


Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“Behavior of Tunnel Form Building Structures Subjected to Earthquake Forces”, Proc. of the International Earthquake and Structural Engineering Symposium: Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, Oct. 14.

Gülkan, P. and Kalkan, E.

“Attenuation Characteristics of Turkey Based on Recent Strong Motion Data”, Proc. of the Fifth International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 25-27.

Balkaya, C. and Kalkan, E.

“Performance Based Seismic Evaluation of Shear-wall Dominant Building Structures“, Proc. of the Fifth International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering: Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 25-27.

Gülkan, P. and Kalkan, E.

“Attenuation Modeling of Recent Earthquakes in Turkey”, Journal of Seismology, 6(3): 397-409.


Kalkan, E.

Seismic Evaluation of an Existing Multi-Story Reinforced Concrete Building, M.Sc. Thesis, Bosphorus University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Kalkan, E.

Attenuation Relationships based on Strong Motion Data Recorded in Turkey, M.Sc. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara,Turkey.